Shihtzu Bone Ready for Worldwide Launch: How to Claim SBONE Tokens?
5 min readOct 1, 2022


First, we would like to extend a true message of appreciation to the Shihtzu exchange worldwide army. Day after day, the Shihtzu exchange army continues to support the Shihtzu Meme coin during the recent waves of the crypto market. Needless to say, projects that focus on the building during volatile times are those that come on top when things pick up and turn green. Developing for Shihtzu meme Coin never has stopped in our hearts, minds, and efforts. We’re proud to be here building for the future alongside the strongest community in the world.

When society looks at the crypto industry today, one cannot deny that Dogecoin (Doge) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) are just as widely known as Bitcoin (BTC). SHIB to date has the highest percentage gain est. Thirty million percent from launch to an all-time high; no other cryptocurrency has come close to this percentage return.

Shihtzu Bone is a new Shihtzu Exchange Universe meme recreation. It will roll out to the metaverse finance industry worldwide.

While most meme coins have taken a -70%+ beating from an all-time high (like the rest of the cryptocurrency market), one has proven it will be a force to reckon with even during this bear market. Mr. Allen Joy the CEO of Shihtzu Exchange Universe said, a Shihtzu meme coin launched in Dec of 2021 may show future promise. And worldwide cryptocurrency supporters since the early days of the Shihtzu Meme coin keep growing the Shihtzu army around the world.

After the huge success of the Shihtzu Meme coin, the Shihtzu development team going to create a metaverse finance-based Shihtzu “Swap Dex platform” for use of the Shihtzu Bone (SBONE token). Sbone will be the new recreation that comes from the Shihtzu Exchange meme coin army, it will grant worldwide users smart access to enter the Shihtzu metaverse finance universe. Apart from this SBONE become the next generation digital warrior in metaverse finance and they might want to defend themselves.

Every flip and growth will see by its worldwide users and they will have the right to choose both Shihtzu fighters in the Shihtzu exchange universe.

What is Shihtzu Bone (SBONE)

Shihtzu Bone is a governance token of the Shihtzu Exchange Universe which will allow the #STZUARMY to vote on upcoming proposals. The more SBONE the user holds, the more weight their vote carries in their future endeavours’. SBONE has 230 million tokens and is designed to fit perfectly between the previous STZU Meme Coin in regard to circulation supply.

However, SBONE tokens are 230 million which will be circulated in the worldwide market because the Shihtzu Exchange Universe community will start voting to cap SBONE token farming at 230 million minted tokens. This decision was to keep the remaining 20+ million for validators in the future.

What Makes Shihtzu Bone Unique?

Shihtzu Bone, come together to create Shihtzuswap, the next generation Metaverse finance-based Dex platforms. Shihtzuswap gives users the ability to provide liquidity, stake, and Swap tokens to gain returns through our sophisticated and innovative passive income reward system. Our platform also allows Shihtzu Exchange Army to access upcoming Shihtzu NFTs and additional tools, such as portfolio trackers, to make navigating the crypto world simple and intuitive in near future as per the roadmap.

Shihtzu Universe Interests Shoots SBONE Value Up in Future

The Sbone token airdrop already started and planning to start its Pre-sale in the month of Nov 2022. Once the Pre-sale completes Sbone token price rising by about 20% from the last pre-sale price. The price will skyrocket due to the Shihtzu swap Dex platform launch and its listing on several exchanges.

Apart from this Shihtzu Bone (SBONE), the token that will be the major player in STZU & SBONE rewards and farming, is to utilize as the transactional conduit and cost necessary to perform an action on the Shihtzu Exchange Universe network.

In essence, SBONE is set to become the ‘gas’ of the Shihtzuswap Protocol. This ‘gas’ will provide the necessary functionality to process/execute smart contracts and transactions.

We are working on a fully focused Shihtzu Exchange universe to expand to the worldwide market and will be published to share the current status and technical update of our development while also revealing a few hints of how some fundamental processes will operate in near future.

How to Claim Shihtzu Bone?

If you missed Bone Shiba in your past, then this is a time to claim the Shihtzu Bone token, Kindly Follow the steps.

1. Open the website and click to claim the SBONE token.

2. Register your account details and mention your team member referral link and proceed.

3. Verify your email address and login into your Shihtzu bone dashboard.

4. Once you log in to your dashboard then follow, like, and share Shihtzu Exchange’s official social media platform and channels. Like Join telegram follows Twitter and retweet the post, using other social media platforms too.

5. Once you complete the task then you will have 10 SBONE in your Shihtzu Bone Dashboard.

How to Earn More Profit from Shihtzu Bone?

Shihtzu Bone (SBONE) added the affiliate marketing feature in this Free giveaway to grab the worldwide market, also those who missed the Bone Shiba will also grab this future-making opportunity.

All you need to log in to your Shihtzu Bone Account Copy your Referral Link and keep sharing with your community to grab a free 10 million worth of SBONE tokens.

There are 3 level Affiliate incomes when you promote SBONE giveaways to your community.

1. Register yourself and complete all the given tasks, after that, you will get 10 SBONE tokens.

2. Share your referral link to your community, each new signup will give you 6 SBONE tokens once each user completes their task in their dashboard.

3. Once your user shares their referral link with others and completes the requirement then you will have 3 SBONE tokens.

For more details visit the Shihtzu Bone dashboard and follow the marketing Section and business profile.

We’re truly excited to broadcast more updates, to notify our worldwide army as the Shihtzu Exchange Universe grows.

If you want to keep regular updates of the latest news about the project, follow our official telegram and other social media channels. Also, add the website to your favorites and check it regularly.

Thank you for all your support. Incredible things are on the horizon. We can’t wait to share more with you.

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.Free Telegram Group
.YouTube Channel



It is the first meme universe coin with NFT and metaverse ecosystem.